Purpose, definition, and Scope

This ESG policy is a set of guidelines that outlines our company's commitment to sustainability and ethical practices. Its purpose is to define the values and principles that guide our actions and decisions, particularly with respect to the impact on the environment, society, and our overall governance.

The principles in this ESG policy are consistent with our mission, culture, and corporate philosophy. We are committed to long-term relationships with employees and customers. Integrity is a cornerstone of our culture, and a sustainable and reliable global food supply is our reason for being:

With our processing machines, custom-made solutions, and expertise, we empower producers to efficiently and reliably produce enough high-quality food to feed all humans, pets, and livestock on the planet. Now and in the future.

Our ESG policy is built on three main objectives:

  1. Environment: reduce the environmental impact of ourselves, our customers, and the industries we serve
  2. Social: lead by example as a great employer and contributor to our community
  3. Governance: comply with all laws and regulations and report on our progress toward our environmental and social objectives


This policy serves as a roadmap for us to balance economic growth with the well-being of people and the planet. However, as Dinnissen, we believe in transparency and accountability. We want to be a reliable partner for all stakeholders and to embed our efforts in our organization, we have achieved integral certification of ISO 9001, 14001, 27001, and 45001.

Environmental policy

At Dinnissen, reducing environmental impact and managing environmental risks are no separate tasks, but an integral part of day-to-day business operations. We have established an environmental management system to formalize principles and monitor progress. This way of working leads us as an organization to increasingly higher levels of environmental performance. And by sharing our knowledge with customers, partners, and competitors, we are aiming to move entire industries toward better environmental performance. We reduce our own environmental impact by:

  • Being energy neutral for our electricity, as our energy consumption comes 100% from renewable sources
  • Minimizing the consumption of energy, water, and raw materials
  • Maximizing resource efficiency in all our operations
  • Minimizing waste, pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions
  • Complying to all relevant environmental laws and regulations, and actively seeking out opportunities to exceed the requirements

To increase our positive impact, we help our customers reduce their environmental footprint by:

  • Designing and developing production lines, machines, and systems that are efficient and robust
  • Enhancing our customers’ production processes by making them as energy- and resource-efficient, productive, and sustainable, as possible
  • Helping our customers improve the quality of their food, feed, or petfood, in terms of nutritional value and product safety
  • Helping our customers minimize product waste and recall by preventing product damage and contamination

Social policy

  • The safety, health, well-being, and satisfaction of all people involved in our organization are paramount
  • We respect, maintain and promote fundamental human rights, proclaimed by the Universal Declarations of Human Rights and national laws, including but not limited to the principle that employment is freely chosen, freedom of association and collective bargaining, and the adherence to the minimum employment age limit defined by national laws and relevant ILO standards
  • We have assigned a QHSE manager and integrated a management system for health and safety at work, certified to the highest standards, to provide a safe and hygienic working environment, and to prevent accidents and injury to health arising out of or occurring in the course of work, by minimizing, so far as reasonably practicable, the causes of hazards inherent in the working environment
  • We are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace where all employees have equal opportunities, and are treated with respect and dignity. Undesirable behavior such as verbal an non-verbal conduct of any form of violence, aggression, harassment, intimidation, and discrimination based on color, race, nationality, religion, belief, political opinion, age, disability, gender, marital status or sexual orientation, will not be tolerated. For developing and maintaining a respectful workplace, we have in place a policy and assigned a confidante within our organization for providing advice and guidance to potential victims (and other stakeholders), to investigate any complaint and to find a solution to counteract any form of undesirable behavior
  • We enable our employees and other stakeholders to report concerns or potentially unlawful practices at the workplace
  • We support the development of our employees by offering training and professional development opportunities
  • We have an in-house learning and development center for students and graduates and collaborate with schools and universities
  • We give back to our community and focus on initiatives, local associations, and charities that are close to our employees

Governance policy

  • We aim to be transparent about our environmental, social, and economic impact, progress, and performance. We are convinced that business integrity is the basis of any commercial relationship
  • We are committed to compliance with all relevant laws and regulations and to the highest ethical standards in our business practices. We respect international trade restrictions and sanctions, including any legislative amendments, as well as applicable embargoes and regulations regarding export controls. Bribery, fraud, money laundering, conflict of interest, and corruption have no place in our business and will not be tolerated.
  • We are committed to protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our information assets. To this end, we have implemented a cyber security program based on ISO 27001 standard.
  • We will maintain effective internal controls and financial reporting processes to ensure the accuracy and reliability of our financial results
  • We will prioritize the interests of employees and actively seek their input into the decision-making process
  • We will report on our progress and results


Our sustainability team executes this ESG policy and serves as an inspiration to all members of the organization. Dinnissen’s management is responsible for regularly reviewing and updating the ESG policy, and ensuring that it remains aligned with Dinnissen’s values, long-term goals, and annual objectives.

Dated, January 2023

The board of directors

Henk Kuijpers

Managing director      

Frans Bakker

Commercial director  

Wouter Kuijpers 

Director of Operations            

We are proud that these companies rely on Dinnissen


View all of our references

What customers say about us

Collaboration based on mutual respect

Our collaboration with Dinnissen is based on mutual respect and trust. We challenge each other to continuously innovate and improve


Stefan Kuijpers- Director - Vitelia

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Technicians, not salespeople

Dinnissen's representatives strive for the best solutions. They are engineers first and salespeople second.

Van Zutven

Frans van Zutven- Founder and Director - Van Zutven

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Drastically improved feed-quality

90% of our customers with laying hens have already switched to the new feed produced using the Pegasus® mixer and the Thermidor® system.

Egli Mühlen

Kurt Egli- Former manager - Egli Mühlen

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Quadrupled production capacity

In collaboration with Dinnissen, we have quadrupled our production capacity from 3 to 12 tons per hour.


Harald Schmalwieser- Managing Director - Solan

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Easily and safely changing sieve basket

The ease and safety with which the sieve basket can be changed were decisive factors in our choice for a Dinnissen sifting machine.


Mr. Kreuzer- Company Manager - Südstärke

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Unique in preliminary work

What really makes Dinnissen unique, is the preliminary work. You can literally count every bolt and nut in the drawing.


Kenneth Gijzen- Maintenance & Engineering Manager - AAK Rotterdam

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The importance of hygiene and safety requirements

Dinnissen fully understood the importance of hygiene and safety requirements in our industry. They went the extra mile by providing us with all the necessary documentation, all ATEX drawings, and full traceability.


Anton Vleeshouwers- Project Director - DSM

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No challenge is too big

At Dinnissen, they think in terms of challenges, not problems. They don't give up and keep going until there is a solution that satisfies all parties.

United Petfood

Martin Sonneveld- Production Director - United Petfood Waalwijk

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Six-fold increase of total production

Production has gone from 3-5 tons per day to 30 tons per day. That's a six-fold increase in total production.

Nöll & Co.

Michiel de Boer- CEO - Nöll & Co.

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Increased capacity despite using 17 fewer mixers

The amazing part is that we managed to increase the capacity, despite using 17 fewer mixers.

Holland Diervoeders

Edward Depre- Project Manager - Group Depre

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Flexibility, cleaning, short mixing time, and a homogeneous end product

We also considered other options but on the points we considered most important - flexibility, cleaning, short mixing time, and a homogeneous end product - Dinnissen scored best.

Nutri Dynamics

Sam Dimassi- Owner - Nutri-Dynamics

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Mixing time of 60 seconds per batch

Previously, we had standard times in the mixing process of 14 - 15 minutes. With the Pegasus® mixer we achieve a mixing time of 60 seconds per batch.


Lothar Pixa- Director - Planta

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World player in process technology

To realize production processes of the best quality, we work closely with Dinnissen: One of the strongest players in the world in process technology and hygienic design.


Gerben Koopmans- Project Engineering Manager - Nestlé

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Customized mixers

Dinnissen thought along with us from start to finish. For example, they used existing drawings for these new mixers to save us costs in the engineering phase.


Pieter Gorter- Project Manager - ForFarmers

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Filled three complete factories

Dinnissen has filled an entire factory for us with a complete production line, on three different occasions. They just get it right: from mixers and sifters to sampling and automation.

Jonker & Schut

Erik Schut- Managing Director - Jonker & Schut

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Choice based on trust, feeling, and price

We made a choice based on trust, feeling, and price. In this total package, Dinnissen came out best.


Marcel van den Oetelaar- Proces Technologist - Vobra

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High-quality vacuum coaters

We chose to work with Dinnissen because they supply high-quality vacuum coaters that fit exactly within our production lines.

Olam Group

Arnold Balledux- Global Technical Head Animal Feeds & Vice-president Animal Feed & Protein - Olam Agri

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Process specialists unafraid to push boundaries

Dinnissen possesses expertise distinct from our in-house capabilities. They are process specialists unafraid to push boundaries and set limits.


Raymond Nolet- Founder - MiFood

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Mixers have been running 30 years

Dinnissen machines may not be the cheapest in terms of purchase price, but in terms of value for money, there are none better. Our Dinnissen mixer has been running extremely reliably for 30 years.

VDV Group

Adwin van der Vorst- Directeur - VDV Group

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Tailor-made solution for every problem

What charmed us most about Dinnissen was that they responded perfectly to our questions each time: they jumped right in and quickly came up with a tailor-made solution to each problem.


Jos Falvay- Project manager - Perstorp

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Didn't consider any other option than Dinnissen

When the mixers needed replacement and Dinnissen could do a one-on-one replacement, we really didn't consider any other option than Dinnissen.

Voergroep Zuid

Elmar Flach- Technical Specialist - Voergroep Zuid

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Service on weekends

One day there was an important issue and one of Dinnissen's engineers immediately took action during the weekend. I have never seen other foreign partners do this.

APTe Japan

Mr. Kimio Aono- Founder - APTe Japan

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Fully automated sampling

We considered several machine developers, but the high quality of the Dinnissen machines and the competence and commitment of the employees were decisive for us.


Arjan van Dijk- Project Manager - Ausnutria

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Supplied entire installation

Dinnissen is the first company we've worked with that delivers a total package. Because Dinnissen supplied the entire installation, including platforms and safety installations, the entire line is CE-certified.


Michel Kliphuis- Manager - Steinweg Amsterdam

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