Dinnissen Process Technology is completely energy neutral
Dinnissen Process Technology is completely energy neutral

We are proud to announce that we are 100% energy neutral! Scholt Energy has determined that our energy consumption stems entirely from renewable sources. We reduce the consumption of energy, water and raw materials to a minimum. We help our customers do this by making their production processes as efficient and sustainable as possible. And as of this month, our own energy consumption is now fully sustainable. In this way we are working together on a better planet and a sustainable and reliable food supply. In this regard, we have also set up our environmental management system in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 14001 standard.
Managing environmental risks and reducing environmental impact play an important role in Dinnissen's daily operations. That is why environmental management is integrated into the High Level Structure quality management system. We believe it is important to go the extra mile to preserve the earth for future generations.