How it works
The foundation of the Wingdoor Sifter is a cylindrical sifting basket. The basket rotates on its axis and the centrifugal force created by the rotation of the sifter presses grains or powders against the basket. There are perforation holes in the basket, the size of these depends on the desired final fineness of the product to be sifted. Because the product is pressed against the basket, grains or powders that are small enough to pass through the perforation holes disappear from the basket. The product that is too large to be flung through the holes remains in the basket. In this way, large quantities of product can be sifted quickly.
The large wing-shaped opening inspection hatches allow the basket to be replaced quickly and efficiently with a basket with a different perforation diameter. In addition, this allows the screening machine to be thoroughly cleaned. This also makes the Wingdoor Sifter very suitable for processing powders, grains and granulates where hygiene is extremely important.