In the modern manufacturing industry, automation and control play a crucial role in optimizing production processes. Dinnissen understands that a strong production process is about more than just high-quality machinery. That’s why we not only build machines, but also develop the accompanying software to make these machines as smart and efficient as possible. As a system integrator, Dinnissen focuses on the production line as a whole and the specific role each machine plays within it. Automation and control can make for a more efficient and safer production line. Although these two terms are often mentioned in the same breath, they each represent a different aspect of process optimization.
On this page, you’ll read more about:
- Optimizing your production line
- Our automation and control solutions
- Applications of automation and control
- Ensuring quality
- The process as part of the total solution
Optimizing your production line
Automation refers to the use of technology and software to run production processes without manual intervention. Automating repetitive tasks reduces the risk of human error and allows the production line to run continuously. This results in lower costs due to less product loss combined with higher output. Additionally, automation contributes to a safer work environment, as employees have to perform less physically demanding or hazardous operations.
In addition to automation, Dinnissen can also help with process control. We design, develop, and implement custom PLCs. A PLC can control one or multiple machines based on pre-programmed logic. This includes regulating aspects such as dosing, mixing ratios, speed, temperature, and humidity. A well-designed control system ensures that operators have real-time insight into crucial parameters and can make immediate adjustments if necessary. Control is therefore not just about operating machines, but also about monitoring. With real-time data from the PLC, settings can be optimized and deviations can be detected immediately.

Our automation and control solutions

plc automation and dinnissen productivity platform
Like mechanical engineering, software development is customization. The requirements for software depend on the product being processed, the steps this product goes through, and the desired end result. That’s why Dinnissen has an in-house automation department that develops tailored systems based on customer needs. Looking for a control system for one or multiple machines within your production line? Take a look at our PLC Automation. Need better insight into your process? Then the Dinnissen Productivity Platform is worth exploring. This platform provides 24/7 insight into the performance of your machines and, if desired, generates alarm notification in case of process interruptions.
HMI OneBlink
Software must not only function well but also be user-friendly for operators and mechanics. Looking for a clear and intuitive interface? Read more about HMI OneBlink. This is a dashboard that, through clever use of symbols and colors, shows at a glance what is happening across the board. As automation increases, an effective dashboard becomes ever more important. The role of the operator is shifting from largely executive work to a more supervisory role, as manual work is increasingly replaced by machines.

Sampling systems
An example of automation in process technology is the Dinnissen Sampling System. With fully automated sampling, quality control of powders, grains, or granules is contamination-free. The frequency of sample collection and the quantity of product per sample can be pre-set. A step further in the automation process is the Sampling Carousel, which allows multiple samples to be taken without operator intervention. Does your production process require even more flexibility? Then consider the Multifunctional Sampling Carousel, which allows various sample types to be taken with preset sample sizes.
Benieuwd welke oplossing het beste bij jouw productieproces past? Dinnissen denkt graag met je mee en biedt op maat gemaakte systemen, afgestemd op jouw specifieke product- en procesbehoeften.
Applications of automation and control
The possibilities that automation and control offer are relevant to every industry. Because Dinnissen develops PLCs in-house, systems can be created that perfectly align with market-specific requirements. The HMI OneBlink (human-machine interface) can also be tailored to any sector. Dinnissen’s sampling systems are particularly well-suited for the food and chemical industry, as they meet the highest (food) safety requirements and ensure consistent and reliable product quality checks.

Waarborging van kwaliteit
Dinnissen staat voor betrouwbaarheid. De beste producenten ter wereld stellen hun vertrouwen in oplossingen van Dinnissen. Onze ISO 9001 certificering laat zien dat onze processen voldoen aan internationale normen voor het stelselmatig leveren van producten en diensten die aan eisen van relevante wet- en regelgeving voldoen. Daarnaast is de complete organisatie ISO 14001, 27001 en 45001 gecertificeerd. Dat laat zien dat ons milieumanagementsysteem, onze cybersecurity en onze arbeidsomstandigheden voldoen aan de internationaal geaccepteerde standaard.
Indien gewenst leveren we oplossingen die voldoen aan de EHEDG-richtlijnen. Hygiënisch ontworpen machines voorkomen vervuiling in de te vervaardigen of te bewerken producten, waardoor voedselproducenten met een gerust hart onze oplossingen kunnen gebruiken. De machines zijn gebouwd met roestvrijstaal dat zó behandeld wordt dat er nagenoeg geen productresten op achter blijven. Ook de eenvoudige toegankelijkheid voor reiniging zorgt voor een langdurige kwaliteitswaarborging van de machine. Veel machines van Dinnissen zijn leverbaar in ATEX-uitvoering, waardoor ook in omgevingen met explosierisico’s de machines van Dinnissen veilig kunnen worden ingezet.

Proces als onderdeel van de totaaloplossing
Op zoek naar meer dan een losse machine? Als system integrator realiseert Dinnissen complete productielijnen van A tot Z. Met een holistische blik wordt er naar de productiefaciliteit als geheel gekeken en gezocht naar optimale invulling, opstelling en systeemarchitectuur. Met als doel: maximale output en efficiëntie en minimale downtime in een zo klein mogelijke ruimte. Dinnissen integreert alle machines en systemen voor alle processtappen in één complete productielijn, in één zo ver mogelijk geautomatiseerd systeem. Van specificatie tot service. Van product intake tot verpakken. En van machines en systemen, tot de volledige besturing en automatisering. Om garant te kunnen staan voor een goed functionerende en robuuste productielijn houdt Dinnissen zoveel mogelijk van engineering tot productie en van besturing tot inbedrijfstelling in eigen huis.
Do you have a question about your process?
- Over 75 years of experience in your industry as a system integrator
- Everything in-house: engineering, production, testing, installation, control, and service
- Always a tailor-made solution for your entire process